It has been a while since I have visited this page. Sometimes life gets messy, complicated or just plain painful.
I recently (2017-2018) have experienced one of the worst years of my adult life with respect to physical and emotional pain. Not to get into specifics, but leave it to say that,
“Life is not fair”
Hmm..and there lies the Pearl of wisdom.
I have never been afraid to say I am a God believing, Jesus worshipping momma, but recently a lawyer suggested that perhaps praying to be healed wasn’t working so good for me. Well, I took that comment quite seriously. I prayed that God would enlighten me what to do. I have found through the last 8 months of waiting for doctors and surgeons to decide what to do, that by waiting quietly, I was left waiting! It wasn’t fair that the schedulers didn’t call me back when I called and left a message. It wasn’t fair that the doctor didn’t want to refer me to someone else because of failure to use my insurance. It wasn’t fair to wait months and months for return calls from someone who didn’t even work for the company anymore....honestly, not one thing that happened since last November has been fair ...
Yup you got it...Life is not fair! I prayed about it, I got in my car, went to the doctors office, waited for my records and said goodbye to that doctor! I got another appointment with another surgeon, and gave him the records. He ordered new tests immediately and soon the procedure I have been praying for, for a year, will be done. Was there a reason for this, waiting and struggle? Perhaps... for me to share with you, that your life is your responsibility to take control of!
While God certainly is leading me, I do believe that God helps those who help themselves! So that is what I Did! Trust me, if you get off the path you are supposed to be on, God will put up road blocks! It is obvious to me now that the surgeon I started with was not who I was supposed to be with!
If you are being challenged from outside entities, take your life in your own control. Be responsible for you and take responsibility for the outcome.
Until next time, may your life be blessed with health and happiness!
Momma T
Pearls from Momma Turner
Life lessons and fun ideas shared for everyday. Ideas for gifts, tips for cooking and baking and keeping the home economics theory going.
Wednesday, August 29, 2018
Thursday, September 28, 2017
5 years later....
A few short lines in the hope that forgiveness is a loving procedure...
I would love to share thoughts and lessons learned in letting go...
After hearing about a friends daughter given a short time to live, it got me thinking... the sadness that we are overcome with death is so life changing
In the last 5 years, I have lost friends to cancer, loved ones to strokes and brothers to self inflicted gun shot... as a family, our lives have been changed forever a friend, a sister, a niece, my days are filled with hope and sorrow for those who don't believe that Heaven is real!
Jesus died so we could live! Our sin was forgiven at the cross and all who believe will have everlasting joy in Heaven with God! I know for a fact in my heart of hearts that I will be seeing those loved one again!
In this life, we must believe that through each season of our life we are growing, maturing and gaining wisdom. What we chose to do with all we learn is on us...
I for one love giving back as much nod as often as I can... it makes me feel wonderful! Sewing, baking, listening to friends, helping where wanted, filling a need, showing love and loving my neighbor... one day at a time!
No, I can not solve the worlds problems, or keep sadness from happening, but I can PRAY! Better yet, I talk to God! We have many conversations each day...He is with me continually, leading and advising, keeping me company.
If I have learned anything in the last 5 years, it is that I am not alone! I invite you to share in God's presence daily! Open your heart ❤️
A few short lines in the hope that forgiveness is a loving procedure...
I would love to share thoughts and lessons learned in letting go...
After hearing about a friends daughter given a short time to live, it got me thinking... the sadness that we are overcome with death is so life changing
In the last 5 years, I have lost friends to cancer, loved ones to strokes and brothers to self inflicted gun shot... as a family, our lives have been changed forever a friend, a sister, a niece, my days are filled with hope and sorrow for those who don't believe that Heaven is real!
Jesus died so we could live! Our sin was forgiven at the cross and all who believe will have everlasting joy in Heaven with God! I know for a fact in my heart of hearts that I will be seeing those loved one again!
In this life, we must believe that through each season of our life we are growing, maturing and gaining wisdom. What we chose to do with all we learn is on us...
I for one love giving back as much nod as often as I can... it makes me feel wonderful! Sewing, baking, listening to friends, helping where wanted, filling a need, showing love and loving my neighbor... one day at a time!
No, I can not solve the worlds problems, or keep sadness from happening, but I can PRAY! Better yet, I talk to God! We have many conversations each day...He is with me continually, leading and advising, keeping me company.
If I have learned anything in the last 5 years, it is that I am not alone! I invite you to share in God's presence daily! Open your heart ❤️
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Live and Learn
I read something the other day that stuck with me...I wish that I could tell you who originally said it, and I do not take credit for this quote:
"Life's lessons are opposite those of school, in school you learn about something, then take the test, In life you take the test first than learn the lesson".
I found this to be incredibly true. So often we seem to forget that our life is one huge test...whether we learn from each lesson and move on to the next chapter is all up to us.
When I seem to be "repeating" the same thing, I consciously stop and remember...ah yes, this would be my opportunity to do it differently, make the change, and hopefully NOT repeat it again.
So, short and sweet....Live and Learn!!!
Here's hoping you get an "A" on your next test!!
Until the next time,
Momma T
"Life's lessons are opposite those of school, in school you learn about something, then take the test, In life you take the test first than learn the lesson".
I found this to be incredibly true. So often we seem to forget that our life is one huge test...whether we learn from each lesson and move on to the next chapter is all up to us.
When I seem to be "repeating" the same thing, I consciously stop and remember...ah yes, this would be my opportunity to do it differently, make the change, and hopefully NOT repeat it again.
So, short and sweet....Live and Learn!!!
Here's hoping you get an "A" on your next test!!
Until the next time,
Momma T
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Remember Me
In memory of Clarissa Engstrom. A lovely woman in her middle 40's who helped so many. Leaving this world so suddenly, and leaving a huge hole. An animal doctor, a lover of nature, a friend of the Earth. A woman of peace.
My eldest daughter called after attending the hastily prepared memorial for Clarissa today. She said that her best friend had flown in from North Carolina, preparing the obituary to place in our local paper. Then this friend who was so saddened and lonely was told that her loving words would cost (are you sitting down...) over a THOUSAND dollars. Needless to say I am more than appalled by our newspaper. The journalistic raping of people who just want to remember their loved ones is criminal in my opinion. I understand that the newspaper needs to make a profit, and they have a business to run, but REALLY???
So from now on, I invite anyone who wishes to remember their loved one in print, to use this site to do so, and share it with their Facebook, Twitter or other friends. I ask only one thing...please be respectful using this platform in a G-rated, Family format. If you join this blog as a friend, you can share your information at any time. Share this site with friends and family.
I am personally touched by the love that Dr Clarissa "Gooey" Engstrom showed our family. She walked in, held me in her arms and made herself at home. I knew that she had been in the E.R. with a family friend most of the afternoon, and she still kept our "appt with heaven" for our Retriever Bailey. She spoke with each of us, Dave, Gabie, Matt and Danie, and comforted us. She advised us what she would be doing, and then spread her blanket down and invited me to join her. We talked about Bailey and the events of her rescue, her extreme eye surgeries, her infinity of love of playing fetch with her ball and then before we knew it, an hour had passed and Dr. Engstrom was taking the ball out of Bailey's mouth and advising us that she would not have lived more than another week due to her cancer. The kids and I were with her the entire time. (Dave had taken Belle our Brittany on a long walk) Dr. Engstrom and Danie carried the blanket out to her truck (ball and all) and the only "thank you" Dr. Engstrom would accept from me was a hot meal that I had prepared for her to take with her and a loving hug with our gratitude for making such a hard event so wonderfully loving! This is the one story of Dr. Clarissa Engstrom I have to share and contribute to her Memorial. Rest in Peace sweet are already missed by so many. Take good care of our loved ones that you have helped away...they were waiting for you.
May God Bless you all, and those you love,
Momma T
My eldest daughter called after attending the hastily prepared memorial for Clarissa today. She said that her best friend had flown in from North Carolina, preparing the obituary to place in our local paper. Then this friend who was so saddened and lonely was told that her loving words would cost (are you sitting down...) over a THOUSAND dollars. Needless to say I am more than appalled by our newspaper. The journalistic raping of people who just want to remember their loved ones is criminal in my opinion. I understand that the newspaper needs to make a profit, and they have a business to run, but REALLY???
So from now on, I invite anyone who wishes to remember their loved one in print, to use this site to do so, and share it with their Facebook, Twitter or other friends. I ask only one thing...please be respectful using this platform in a G-rated, Family format. If you join this blog as a friend, you can share your information at any time. Share this site with friends and family.
I am personally touched by the love that Dr Clarissa "Gooey" Engstrom showed our family. She walked in, held me in her arms and made herself at home. I knew that she had been in the E.R. with a family friend most of the afternoon, and she still kept our "appt with heaven" for our Retriever Bailey. She spoke with each of us, Dave, Gabie, Matt and Danie, and comforted us. She advised us what she would be doing, and then spread her blanket down and invited me to join her. We talked about Bailey and the events of her rescue, her extreme eye surgeries, her infinity of love of playing fetch with her ball and then before we knew it, an hour had passed and Dr. Engstrom was taking the ball out of Bailey's mouth and advising us that she would not have lived more than another week due to her cancer. The kids and I were with her the entire time. (Dave had taken Belle our Brittany on a long walk) Dr. Engstrom and Danie carried the blanket out to her truck (ball and all) and the only "thank you" Dr. Engstrom would accept from me was a hot meal that I had prepared for her to take with her and a loving hug with our gratitude for making such a hard event so wonderfully loving! This is the one story of Dr. Clarissa Engstrom I have to share and contribute to her Memorial. Rest in Peace sweet are already missed by so many. Take good care of our loved ones that you have helped away...they were waiting for you.
May God Bless you all, and those you love,
Momma T
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
The Winter of 2012...well sort of
Hoping this finds you all enjoying what is left of the most gentle winter I can remember. We waited and waited for the cold to come...a few days here and there, but not much to speak of. We have hardly had the heater on. I have actually prepared the garden to plant next week, getting some of the early root vegetables and lettuces planted before March. I wanted to share my Pea Soup Recipe as this has been on our table of recent, and shared with loved ones. There is something so comforting about soup, any kind that is your favorite. I always remember the story of "Stone Soup" when I am preparing the veggies...How cool would it be to actually invite your neighbors to bring something to put in the pot...maybe play a game of monopoly or cards while the precious solution simmers to a tasty, delightful concoction waiting to be splashed with fresh cheese and maybe a dunk or two of homemade bread...
Easy Peasy Soup (Split Pea)
Made in a Crock Pot
Put 1 quart container of low sodium chicken stock in crock pot (or 2 cans) with 1 cup water
Add 1 bag of dried and rinsed split green peas, mix
In saute pan on med heat, with 3 tbsp butter and 3 tbsp EVOO saute:
1 medium onion (chopped small)
2 large carrots (chopped small)
3 ribs of celery (chopped small)
1 clove garlic (chopped small)
After 8-10 minutes, add 3 peeled and chopped small potatoes with the following herbs:
salt and pepper to taste
1/2 tsp Oregano and chopped Bay leaves
1 tsp Basil, Thyme and Dill
Mix all herbs and Veggies together well. When vegetables are well seasoned together, add to crock pot and mix everything together. Make sure the crock pot is on high, put the lid on and let it go! Every 45 min give it a mix. After about 4 hours the peas will have "popped" and will begin to breakdown. At this time you can add chopped ham if you like. (some people start the soup with a ham bone left over from the holidays...) After 5 hours take off the lid, and stir every 10 - 15 minutes for the next hour. This will thicken the soup. Enjoy!!
I make dinner scones to go with the soup, using using original scone recipe and substituting 1/2 cup of finely grated guyre cheese instead of sugar in the recipe and top with dill weed.
I have also been spending some of my winter at the sewing machine, taking a class with a dear neighbor. Who knew Heirloom sewing would be so much fun and incredibly satisfying!! I will post the pictures after the class is over along with the finished product. Make the most of your winter!
Enjoy and Be Blessed. Until next time...
Momma Turner
Easy Peasy Soup (Split Pea)
Made in a Crock Pot
Put 1 quart container of low sodium chicken stock in crock pot (or 2 cans) with 1 cup water
Add 1 bag of dried and rinsed split green peas, mix
In saute pan on med heat, with 3 tbsp butter and 3 tbsp EVOO saute:
1 medium onion (chopped small)
2 large carrots (chopped small)
3 ribs of celery (chopped small)
1 clove garlic (chopped small)
After 8-10 minutes, add 3 peeled and chopped small potatoes with the following herbs:
salt and pepper to taste
1/2 tsp Oregano and chopped Bay leaves
1 tsp Basil, Thyme and Dill
Mix all herbs and Veggies together well. When vegetables are well seasoned together, add to crock pot and mix everything together. Make sure the crock pot is on high, put the lid on and let it go! Every 45 min give it a mix. After about 4 hours the peas will have "popped" and will begin to breakdown. At this time you can add chopped ham if you like. (some people start the soup with a ham bone left over from the holidays...) After 5 hours take off the lid, and stir every 10 - 15 minutes for the next hour. This will thicken the soup. Enjoy!!
I make dinner scones to go with the soup, using using original scone recipe and substituting 1/2 cup of finely grated guyre cheese instead of sugar in the recipe and top with dill weed.
I have also been spending some of my winter at the sewing machine, taking a class with a dear neighbor. Who knew Heirloom sewing would be so much fun and incredibly satisfying!! I will post the pictures after the class is over along with the finished product. Make the most of your winter!
Enjoy and Be Blessed. Until next time...
Momma Turner
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Christmas Made in the USA
Going into the 2nd week of December and happy to be able to write to you and share some insight for the holiday season. I keep going back to EXPECTATIONS. One of the worst things we do to ourselves is setting the expectations of the season to unrealistic levels. Be REAL, Be HONEST. Keep in mind that whatever your personal beliefs are, the "reason for the season" is something other than commercial shopping marathons resulting in personal debt. Remember the reason!
After writing our family newsletter, I am finishing the Christmas Cards that I have been making by Stamping card stock. Those to be sent out this weekend.
I took on a personal challenge this year by buying items Made in the U.S.A. It has been an eye opening adventure. Keeping this in mind, I have made the majority of the Christmas gifts that I will be giving this year. It has been really satisfying putting together items and actually looking for items that have been made or grown here in the U.S.A. Gifts this year are made with love!!
On previous pages of this blog, I have demonstrated how to make jelly and pies. I have been busy making cookies and putting together Gifts in a Jar with a girlfriend (Thanks for the fun Denise!) which by itself was a gift!!! I offer these to you now.
Kerr or Ball Quart size jars - Made in the U.S.A.
Dry Beans:
Kidney 3/4 C
Pea 3/4 C
White 3/4 C
Black 3/4 C
Yellow 3/4 C
Dry Spices:
Parsley 2T
Basil 1T
Minced Onion 2T
Chili Powder 1T
Garlic Powder 1T
Oregano1 T
Beef Bullion Cubes 12
Put Beans in jar in order given. Put spices in zip lock bag, take out air and seal. Put on top of beans.
Cut out a 8" round piece of fabric and place on top of lid of jar. Screw on jar band and place ribbon around the band. Attach tag with instructions to put all ingredients in a crock pot with 8 cups of water and a can of diced tomatoes. cook on low 6 hours...enjoy!
Baking Gift
My next really fun gift is a Cookie bag. I got a plain burlap bag and used fabric paint to put my granddaughters name on the bag. Using ribbons and cookie cutters found on sale during the year, I tied the cookie cutters on the ribbons and then safety pinned the ribbons to the bag. Inside the bag was a small wood rolling pin, measuring spoons and measuring cups sprinkles, candy and frosting. Also included was the dry ingredients to my sugar cookie recipe. All my daughter had to do was add the butter, eggs and extract. This is a really sweet gift! ** Make this easy and fun by putting Betty Crocker Sugar Cookie Mix and Frosting in the bag.
Sugar Cookie Recipe:
1 1/2 C Flour (all purpose)
1 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 C (1 stick) Unsalted Butter-softened
3/4 C granulated sugar
1 egg
1 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
Measure all dry ingredients together and set aside. With mixer on low, combine butter and sugar until creamed well, add egg and vanilla and mix until light and fluffy. slowly add flour mixture until blended. Use hands to gather the dough and pat into a round disk and wrap in saran. Let rest in fridge for at least an hour. Remove from fridge, to floured board. Flour rolling pin and beginning in center of dough roll out in even strokes until dough is 1/4-1/8 thick. Flour cutters for ease. Cut out shapes and place on cookie tray lined with parchment paper. Gather dough up and re-roll...continue as quickly as possible until dough is used up. (continue flouring board, rolling pin and cutters) Bake in preheated 350 F oven for 10 - 12 minutes just till edges are lightly brown. Cool cookies before frosting.
Frosting: 2 C Powdered Sugar (Confectioners)
1 T unsalted butter
2 tsp light corn syrup
2 1/2 T hot water
combine all ingredients in a medium bowl and using mixer, on low, mix until well blended. If it is to stiff, add a few drops of hot water. Use piping bags for special decorating. Frost cookies and sprinkle with variety of sugars, sprinkles and candy.
After writing our family newsletter, I am finishing the Christmas Cards that I have been making by Stamping card stock. Those to be sent out this weekend.
I took on a personal challenge this year by buying items Made in the U.S.A. It has been an eye opening adventure. Keeping this in mind, I have made the majority of the Christmas gifts that I will be giving this year. It has been really satisfying putting together items and actually looking for items that have been made or grown here in the U.S.A. Gifts this year are made with love!!
On previous pages of this blog, I have demonstrated how to make jelly and pies. I have been busy making cookies and putting together Gifts in a Jar with a girlfriend (Thanks for the fun Denise!) which by itself was a gift!!! I offer these to you now.
Kerr or Ball Quart size jars - Made in the U.S.A.
Dry Beans:
Kidney 3/4 C
Pea 3/4 C
White 3/4 C
Black 3/4 C
Yellow 3/4 C
Dry Spices:
Parsley 2T

Minced Onion 2T
Chili Powder 1T
Garlic Powder 1T
Oregano1 T
Beef Bullion Cubes 12
Put Beans in jar in order given. Put spices in zip lock bag, take out air and seal. Put on top of beans.
Cut out a 8" round piece of fabric and place on top of lid of jar. Screw on jar band and place ribbon around the band. Attach tag with instructions to put all ingredients in a crock pot with 8 cups of water and a can of diced tomatoes. cook on low 6 hours...enjoy!
Baking Gift

Sugar Cookie Recipe:
1 1/2 C Flour (all purpose)
1 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 C (1 stick) Unsalted Butter-softened
3/4 C granulated sugar
1 egg
1 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
Measure all dry ingredients together and set aside. With mixer on low, combine butter and sugar until creamed well, add egg and vanilla and mix until light and fluffy. slowly add flour mixture until blended. Use hands to gather the dough and pat into a round disk and wrap in saran. Let rest in fridge for at least an hour. Remove from fridge, to floured board. Flour rolling pin and beginning in center of dough roll out in even strokes until dough is 1/4-1/8 thick. Flour cutters for ease. Cut out shapes and place on cookie tray lined with parchment paper. Gather dough up and re-roll...continue as quickly as possible until dough is used up. (continue flouring board, rolling pin and cutters) Bake in preheated 350 F oven for 10 - 12 minutes just till edges are lightly brown. Cool cookies before frosting.
Frosting: 2 C Powdered Sugar (Confectioners)
1 T unsalted butter
2 tsp light corn syrup
2 1/2 T hot water
combine all ingredients in a medium bowl and using mixer, on low, mix until well blended. If it is to stiff, add a few drops of hot water. Use piping bags for special decorating. Frost cookies and sprinkle with variety of sugars, sprinkles and candy.
Sunday, November 27, 2011
"Give thanks for unknown blessings already on their way."~ Native American
Did you all enjoy your long weekend? Ours started on Wednesday. Having a son in the Fire Dept makes for scheduling changes. My four children, two children-in laws, four grandchildren and Grandma Sue and Tom were all present and sitting at the dining room table...yes the 4 little ones sat at the "kids" table! It was awesome having the 10 "adults" together. (first time Gabie got to sit at the big table). Is it amazing how we define the years...
My friend Kathy posted the title to today's post, and with her permission I used it. There is something so incredible about the meaning of this sentence. Give Thanks for unknown blessings...what a concept. We are asked to think about the many blessings we have and how truly thankful we are to have them. In today's challenging world it did not occur to me to be thankful for what is being sent. Ahhh, the true meaning of FAITH.
Thanksgiving has always been my favorite family holiday. I have learned to not expect the "Norman Rockwell Thanksgiving" this does not happen in my family. And honestly it's OK! I love my kids, my grand kids and my parents! But really...after the dinner is over I am exhausted and so happy when they all leave, so I can reflect in the lovely silence (and mess) and truly give thanks that the evening was as perfect as it was going to get...spilled juice, cranberry stained table cloth, and the boys doing the dishes!!
I wish I had thought to be thankful for that blessing, as I prayed the day would go smoothly...I thanked God for each of the people sitting at my table, and now, I will be truly thankful for the blessings that will be arriving for they are on their way!!!
My friend Kathy posted the title to today's post, and with her permission I used it. There is something so incredible about the meaning of this sentence. Give Thanks for unknown blessings...what a concept. We are asked to think about the many blessings we have and how truly thankful we are to have them. In today's challenging world it did not occur to me to be thankful for what is being sent. Ahhh, the true meaning of FAITH.
Thanksgiving has always been my favorite family holiday. I have learned to not expect the "Norman Rockwell Thanksgiving" this does not happen in my family. And honestly it's OK! I love my kids, my grand kids and my parents! But really...after the dinner is over I am exhausted and so happy when they all leave, so I can reflect in the lovely silence (and mess) and truly give thanks that the evening was as perfect as it was going to get...spilled juice, cranberry stained table cloth, and the boys doing the dishes!!
I wish I had thought to be thankful for that blessing, as I prayed the day would go smoothly...I thanked God for each of the people sitting at my table, and now, I will be truly thankful for the blessings that will be arriving for they are on their way!!!
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