Sunday, November 27, 2011

"Give thanks for unknown blessings already on their way."~ Native American

 Did you all enjoy your long weekend? Ours started on Wednesday. Having a son in the Fire Dept makes for scheduling changes. My four children, two children-in laws, four grandchildren and Grandma Sue and Tom were all present and sitting at the dining room table...yes the 4 little ones sat at the "kids" table! It was awesome having the 10 "adults" together. (first time Gabie got to sit at the big table). Is it amazing how we define the years...

My friend Kathy posted the title to today's post, and with her permission I used it.  There is something so incredible about the meaning of this sentence. Give Thanks for unknown blessings...what a concept. We are asked to think about the many blessings we have and how truly thankful we are to have them. In today's challenging world it did not occur to me to be thankful for what is being sent. Ahhh, the true meaning of FAITH.

Thanksgiving has always been my favorite family holiday. I have learned to not expect the "Norman Rockwell Thanksgiving" this does not happen in my family. And honestly it's OK! I love my kids, my grand kids and my parents! But really...after the dinner is over I am exhausted and so happy when they all leave, so I can reflect in the lovely silence (and mess) and truly give thanks that the evening was as perfect as it was going to get...spilled juice, cranberry stained table cloth, and the boys doing the dishes!!

I wish I had thought to be thankful for that blessing, as I prayed the day would go smoothly...I thanked God for each of the people sitting at my table, and now, I will be truly thankful for the blessings that will be arriving for they are on their way!!!

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