Did you all enjoy your long weekend? Ours started on Wednesday. Having a son in the Fire Dept makes for scheduling changes. My four children, two children-in laws, four grandchildren and Grandma Sue and Tom were all present and sitting at the dining room table...yes the 4 little ones sat at the "kids" table! It was awesome having the 10 "adults" together. (first time Gabie got to sit at the big table). Is it amazing how we define the years...
My friend Kathy posted the title to today's post, and with her permission I used it. There is something so incredible about the meaning of this sentence. Give Thanks for unknown blessings...what a concept. We are asked to think about the many blessings we have and how truly thankful we are to have them. In today's challenging world it did not occur to me to be thankful for what is being sent. Ahhh, the true meaning of FAITH.
Thanksgiving has always been my favorite family holiday. I have learned to not expect the "Norman Rockwell Thanksgiving" image...as this does not happen in my family. And honestly it's OK! I love my kids, my grand kids and my parents! But really...after the dinner is over I am exhausted and so happy when they all leave, so I can reflect in the lovely silence (and mess) and truly give thanks that the evening was as perfect as it was going to get...spilled juice, cranberry stained table cloth, and the boys doing the dishes!!
I wish I had thought to be thankful for that blessing, as I prayed the day would go smoothly...I thanked God for each of the people sitting at my table, and now, I will be truly thankful for the blessings that will be arriving for they are on their way!!!
Life lessons and fun ideas shared for everyday. Ideas for gifts, tips for cooking and baking and keeping the home economics theory going.
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Making a Plan
When November starts, it seems to be a reminder of all the days that have got away from me, and things that I didn't get finished. The holiday season can be a source of pressure that builds up and by the end of December, we feel exhausted.
Again with the expectations!!
As I moved from one room to the next today, I found myself sort of lost in the amount of "things" that I know need to get accomplished. Like many people, I allow myself to become overwhelmed by the stuff that piles up, needing to be finished or done.
So as my mom-Betty says, "Just for today" I am letting it go. I picked just one thing to finish...I made my plan on how to complete the task and DID IT. Sounds kind of silly, but it worked.
The plan: Start the Christmas Pajamas for the grandkids. I got all 4 pairs of pajamas layed out and cut out. Since I concentrated on getting that done, I was able to save myself an extra hour of time, which I later used to clean the bathrooms...done after the sewing prep work was accomplished. (yes, I know...but it had to be done!)
Tomorrow is another day...dusting and dishes, laundry and floors...it will all get done...eventually! A few phone calls and the Thanksgiving plans are made...will work on the list for the market tomorrow. One day at a time...the key...be flexible and make a plan B just in case plan A falls apart.
Make a Plan...sounds simple...it should be...do not get overwhelmed with to many things at once!
And just in case you need one....HUG!
Until the next time,
Momma Turner
Again with the expectations!!
As I moved from one room to the next today, I found myself sort of lost in the amount of "things" that I know need to get accomplished. Like many people, I allow myself to become overwhelmed by the stuff that piles up, needing to be finished or done.
So as my mom-Betty says, "Just for today" I am letting it go. I picked just one thing to finish...I made my plan on how to complete the task and DID IT. Sounds kind of silly, but it worked.
The plan: Start the Christmas Pajamas for the grandkids. I got all 4 pairs of pajamas layed out and cut out. Since I concentrated on getting that done, I was able to save myself an extra hour of time, which I later used to clean the bathrooms...done after the sewing prep work was accomplished. (yes, I know...but it had to be done!)
Tomorrow is another day...dusting and dishes, laundry and floors...it will all get done...eventually! A few phone calls and the Thanksgiving plans are made...will work on the list for the market tomorrow. One day at a time...the key...be flexible and make a plan B just in case plan A falls apart.
Make a Plan...sounds simple...it should be...do not get overwhelmed with to many things at once!
And just in case you need one....HUG!
Until the next time,
Momma Turner
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Autumn Flavors
Welcome Autumn. Welcome crisp cool mornings and toasty evenings by the fireplace. Welcome comfort foods and the wonderful scent coming from the kitchen!! Have you made the Apple Pie yet? You should if only to fill your home with the wonderful smell of the pie!
I have donned an apron and have begun preparing for the upcoming holiday season. First up, preparing the jars of lovely jellies and jams that will be the centerpiece of holiday gift baskets given to family and friends. To that, I offer you my Pomegranate Jelly, step by step. Grab them while you can, anyway you can. ( I have made several phone calls and trips to friends homes to gather the precious fruit.) As you pick your fruit, remember that you may need A LOT more than you think!!
The first step as with any jelly or jam is to gather all ingredients you will need so that each step is right at your fingertips and ready to go.
Sterilize your jars...use whatever method you choose, whether you do it in a pot, or your dishwasher on sterile heat. All jars, and lids should be done prior to turning on the stove!
Gather fruit and prepare it...peel, remove seeds, puree, whatever is required.
Measure sugar out and have ready to go...all of it.
Measure and have lemon juice (if required) ready to go
Open package of Sure-jell and have it ready.
Pomegranate Jelly
3 1/2 cups Pomegranate Juice
1/4 cup Lemon Juice
1 pkg Sure-jell Powder
4 1/2 cups Sugar
Remove seeds from Pomegranates by gently hitting the back of a wood spoon on the outside of the fruit. Moving around the entire surface of the fruit. This loosens up the seeds from the membrane of the fruit. (yes it does work) Over a bowl, slightly slice with sharp knife and allow juice into bowl. Break open the fruit and turn inside out and remove seeds.
"Beating the Pomegranate and slicing...Turn it inside out and
remove seeds into bowl.
After all the seeds have been removed from the fruit it is time to juice. I have personally used several methods to do this, but honestly there are really only 2 that work well without hours of work. You can use an electric juicer or you can use a food mill. Here I have selected a food mill with the medium grate in the mill used. Fill the bottom of the mill with the seeds (I don't over fill) Turn the mill handle several times to get the juice extracted from seeds. Reverse motion and spread seeds again throughout the bottom and turn again making sure all juice is extracted. I then reverse motion again and remove the "dry" seeds to the trash bin. Continue with the procedure until all but a cup of seeds have been juiced. **I always keep a cup of seeds to sprinkle in the jars** Your juice should measure 3 1/2 cups!!!
At this point it is important to set out the jars where you will be filling them (I place mine on the counter next to the stove so that I don't have to move the hot pot.) Place jars on a towel (one that you don't mind being stained!)
Put all 3 1/2 cups of juice in a 8 qt pot add lemon juice and cook over medium high heat, stirring occasionally. Once juice comes to boil, add Sure-Jell powder and stir until fully dissolved and juice once again returns to full boil.(if the juice looks like a little foam is on top you can add 1 tablespoon of real butter to dissolve the foam)
Add sugar and continue stirring constantly, making sure all sugar is dissolved and incorporated fully. Do Not go away from stove! Stir continually and bring mixture to full rolling boil **A Rolling Boil is defined as mixture that can not be stirred down while boiling**

You must continue stirring and when the Rolling Boil starts, time 1 minute (only 60 seconds!!) stirring continually!!! After 1 minute TURN OFF the heat and continue stirring until mixture calms down. The jelly is EXTREMELY HOT!!! Take care to protect hands from liquid! This is the reason I put jars close to stove so I do not have to move the pot.
Put a sprinkle of seeds (from reserved cup) into bottom of jars. Ladle jelly into jars filling to just under the top of jar (Do Not fill to very top) Fill each jar in the same way.
You will probably have some left in the pot, this is yours to enjoy- put in jar even if it only fills part way. (I get 6 - 8oz jars filled with some left over) After all jars are filled, place lids over top, and place lid bands on jars. After all bands are on, put on oven mitt, and hold jar in mitted hand (this protects you from burning your hand on hot jar) and with other hand tighten band. Turn the jars upside down for 30 minutes (this aids in the removal of air and allows fruit seeds to move to bottom of jar) After 30 minutes turn jars right side up and re tighten bands while pressing the center of the lid. This keeps all air pressure from building up. Seeds will begin to float to top. Store jars in cool place. If you are making more jars than you are giving away in the next month, you may want to use the Paraffin Wax method of sealing. (Read up on this on the wax box) Your jars should be a beautiful clear burgundy color with just a glance of the seeds. This jelly is wonderfully delicious and a precious gift to give! Enjoy!
This is the start of many busy kitchen days in my house. Usually I make 4 batches of jelly. Then I start the Cranberry Jam using fresh Cranberries when they are delivered to the market. (usually a few weeks before Thanksgiving) Bags of Cranberries can be frozen until you are ready to use. As with any berry, DO NOT rinse with water before freezing to avoid burning fruit. The recipe sheet enclosed in the Sure-Jell box gives you many ways and fruit types to jam or jell.
Just prior to making the Pomegranate Jelly I actually picked a dozen Jalapenos from my garden, simmered them in 3 1/2 cups of water for 20 minutes, removed them, sliced them in half, removed seeds and chopped them finely. Added the chopped peppers back into the water, added 1/4 cup Apple Cider Vinegar, brought to a boil, added Sure-Jell, brought back to a boil and then added 5 cups of sugar. In the same manner of cooking, I made the BEST Jalapeno Jelly ever!!! It is delicious and so lovely!! Great spread on Ritz Crackers with Cream Cheese!!!
Let the Holidays begin!!!
I have donned an apron and have begun preparing for the upcoming holiday season. First up, preparing the jars of lovely jellies and jams that will be the centerpiece of holiday gift baskets given to family and friends. To that, I offer you my Pomegranate Jelly, step by step. Grab them while you can, anyway you can. ( I have made several phone calls and trips to friends homes to gather the precious fruit.) As you pick your fruit, remember that you may need A LOT more than you think!!
The first step as with any jelly or jam is to gather all ingredients you will need so that each step is right at your fingertips and ready to go.
Sterilize your jars...use whatever method you choose, whether you do it in a pot, or your dishwasher on sterile heat. All jars, and lids should be done prior to turning on the stove!
Gather fruit and prepare it...peel, remove seeds, puree, whatever is required.
Measure sugar out and have ready to go...all of it.
Measure and have lemon juice (if required) ready to go
Open package of Sure-jell and have it ready.
Pomegranate Jelly
3 1/2 cups Pomegranate Juice
1/4 cup Lemon Juice
1 pkg Sure-jell Powder
4 1/2 cups Sugar
Remove seeds from Pomegranates by gently hitting the back of a wood spoon on the outside of the fruit. Moving around the entire surface of the fruit. This loosens up the seeds from the membrane of the fruit. (yes it does work) Over a bowl, slightly slice with sharp knife and allow juice into bowl. Break open the fruit and turn inside out and remove seeds.
"Beating the Pomegranate and slicing...Turn it inside out and
remove seeds into bowl.
After all the seeds have been removed from the fruit it is time to juice. I have personally used several methods to do this, but honestly there are really only 2 that work well without hours of work. You can use an electric juicer or you can use a food mill. Here I have selected a food mill with the medium grate in the mill used. Fill the bottom of the mill with the seeds (I don't over fill) Turn the mill handle several times to get the juice extracted from seeds. Reverse motion and spread seeds again throughout the bottom and turn again making sure all juice is extracted. I then reverse motion again and remove the "dry" seeds to the trash bin. Continue with the procedure until all but a cup of seeds have been juiced. **I always keep a cup of seeds to sprinkle in the jars** Your juice should measure 3 1/2 cups!!!
At this point it is important to set out the jars where you will be filling them (I place mine on the counter next to the stove so that I don't have to move the hot pot.) Place jars on a towel (one that you don't mind being stained!)
Put all 3 1/2 cups of juice in a 8 qt pot add lemon juice and cook over medium high heat, stirring occasionally. Once juice comes to boil, add Sure-Jell powder and stir until fully dissolved and juice once again returns to full boil.(if the juice looks like a little foam is on top you can add 1 tablespoon of real butter to dissolve the foam)
Add sugar and continue stirring constantly, making sure all sugar is dissolved and incorporated fully. Do Not go away from stove! Stir continually and bring mixture to full rolling boil **A Rolling Boil is defined as mixture that can not be stirred down while boiling**

You must continue stirring and when the Rolling Boil starts, time 1 minute (only 60 seconds!!) stirring continually!!! After 1 minute TURN OFF the heat and continue stirring until mixture calms down. The jelly is EXTREMELY HOT!!! Take care to protect hands from liquid! This is the reason I put jars close to stove so I do not have to move the pot.
Put a sprinkle of seeds (from reserved cup) into bottom of jars. Ladle jelly into jars filling to just under the top of jar (Do Not fill to very top) Fill each jar in the same way.
You will probably have some left in the pot, this is yours to enjoy- put in jar even if it only fills part way. (I get 6 - 8oz jars filled with some left over) After all jars are filled, place lids over top, and place lid bands on jars. After all bands are on, put on oven mitt, and hold jar in mitted hand (this protects you from burning your hand on hot jar) and with other hand tighten band. Turn the jars upside down for 30 minutes (this aids in the removal of air and allows fruit seeds to move to bottom of jar) After 30 minutes turn jars right side up and re tighten bands while pressing the center of the lid. This keeps all air pressure from building up. Seeds will begin to float to top. Store jars in cool place. If you are making more jars than you are giving away in the next month, you may want to use the Paraffin Wax method of sealing. (Read up on this on the wax box) Your jars should be a beautiful clear burgundy color with just a glance of the seeds. This jelly is wonderfully delicious and a precious gift to give! Enjoy!
This is the start of many busy kitchen days in my house. Usually I make 4 batches of jelly. Then I start the Cranberry Jam using fresh Cranberries when they are delivered to the market. (usually a few weeks before Thanksgiving) Bags of Cranberries can be frozen until you are ready to use. As with any berry, DO NOT rinse with water before freezing to avoid burning fruit. The recipe sheet enclosed in the Sure-Jell box gives you many ways and fruit types to jam or jell.
Just prior to making the Pomegranate Jelly I actually picked a dozen Jalapenos from my garden, simmered them in 3 1/2 cups of water for 20 minutes, removed them, sliced them in half, removed seeds and chopped them finely. Added the chopped peppers back into the water, added 1/4 cup Apple Cider Vinegar, brought to a boil, added Sure-Jell, brought back to a boil and then added 5 cups of sugar. In the same manner of cooking, I made the BEST Jalapeno Jelly ever!!! It is delicious and so lovely!! Great spread on Ritz Crackers with Cream Cheese!!!
Let the Holidays begin!!!
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